
Korg metrognome
Korg metrognome

Its elegant look will project an atmosphere of refinement, not only while you practice your instrument, but also as an item of interior decor. The chic brown woodgrain adds warmth to the monotone body. A limited number of units are now available featuring a front panel made of durable and elegant pyinkado wood. The KDM-3 is well-known for its powerful and easily-heard sound and a compact size. Announcing a limited number of natural wood front panel units with a rustic and artisanal feel. Its natural and modern appearance emanates a sense of peacefulness and is a perfect addition to your practice room. This second limited edition model pairs the white body with a bright, milky-white maple woodgrain.

korg metrognome

This is limited-edition KDM-3 uses wood for the front panel, for a unique and elegant appearance. Announcing a limited number of units in a gentle white color scheme.

Korg metrognome series#

The second in a series of wood-faced KDM3 metronomes. It's also packed with the convenient functions that you expect from a digital unit and will support your performance in situation, regardless of genre or instrument. Along with an attractive look that resembles a miniature mechanical metronome, it also contains a rich variety of beat patterns and metronome sounds. We are proud to announce the latest model, the KDM-3 which features a fresh new appearance. The KORG KDM series is renowned for its powerful volume and its clearly-audible tone.

korg metrognome

Make every day practicing more enjoyable with the KDM-3. A classic design with the functionality that you expect from a digital unit.

Korg metrognome