Each continent has a main river, and all other rivers are ultimately governed by the princess of that main river. Rivers are independent from the oceans and are governed by one mermaid princess per continent. Their Pearls aren't passed down through a royal family though, these bodies of water fall under the rule of the ocean in which they are contained. They're not oceans or large seas, but they do still have Pearls. Small bodies of water function much the same way as their larger counterparts. Please add any ocean or other body of water you like! We can have a lot up here, just make sure you choose a country for its name so we know where it is! Red Sea - Red, any eyes and hair or seashell bra.Tokyan - Candy Red (Or Pinkish Rouge), can have any color hair and eyes.Bermuda triangle - white to dark grey, any hair color must have black eyes and two tone pearls.Egyptian - Sandy beige to brown, any eyes and hair, gold seashell bra.Malaysian - Different shades of purple, any eyes and seashell bra.North Atlantic - Any shade of green, any eyes, hair, or seashell bra.South Atlantic - Any shade of a lighter blue, any eyes, hair, or seashell bra.They can have any color eyes or seashell bra. South Pacific - Yellow, under an accepted rule they can be citrus green.
North Pacific - Any shade of pink, can have any hair color, eye color, or seashell bra. They can have any Hair color, eye color, or seashell bra. Arctic - Deep blue, can also be under an accepted rule as any shade of darker blue. Under an accepted rule they can also be turqoise. Antarctic - Different shades of purple, can have any eyes, hair, and seashell bra. And because of that, many princesses had to leave their mothers when they were ready to take on the challenge of ruling the new seas.Ĭolor Coding is how we can tell what type of mermaid the Princess is! Please check the rule and see what type of Mermaid you are! (Note: Although the mermaid is born off of a specific one, they don't have to be their mothers color! And you can apply for your color to be under the accepted rule on the Talkpage!) In fanon, because of the coming of the young, new mermaid princesses, they decided to split the seas up so they didn't have any fights or wars. They all rule different colors, some have an acception to be a different color than those she rules. In any case, it's a dark, horrible presentation of a terrible circumstance that has been picked apart and extrapolated on by dedicated fans since release who honed in on this reading, and goes some way to explaining how Rule of Rose was so fiercely controversial upon release.Mermaid Princesses are the royalty of the seas. That the Mermaid Princess continually throws up could be reflective of morning sickness, too, if we continue with this path.The form of a mermaid could simply be idealistic wish fulfilment of something all young girls dream to be, but far more likely is the binding of Clara's legs in a desperate projection of stopping Hoffman’s assault. This dark insinuation is what informs the Mermaid Princess's strange appearance, with her slash marks leading to a stapled surgical cut across her abdomen - one that could be indicative of a c-section from an unwanted pregnancy. The cause of this is suspected to be abuse from orphanage headmaster Hoffman, which is never actually seen, but strongly implied throughout the story. As this is the boss form of Clara, it seems the mermaid has injuries synonymous with self harm to reflect Clara's fragile mental state.